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In compliance with art. 13 of Italian d.lgs 196/2003 "Statement on Privacy and on personal data processing" we are informing you that your personal data will be processed in magnetic and/or paper archives. Owner of the database is Padovani srl, based Gaeta (LT) Italy. Your personal data will be managed by Mr Maurizio Padovani. At any time you can request your original personal data and/or request that your data be cancelled from our archives. Your data and any information pertaining to it shall be treated confidentially.

Richiesta informazioni

  • Padovani srl Via Garibaldi, 6c - 04024 Gaeta (LT) ITALY
    Tel. +39 0771 741124  - Fax +39 0771 740365 - P.I. 01768510594
  • Privacy Policy